B&B Huis der Boede
If you want to experience the luxurious feeling of staying overnight in a national monument country estate, then B&B Huis der Boede is the right place for you. This almost 300 year old historical country estate is located on the newly landscaped Der Boede estate. The entire building has recently been thoroughly renovated into a residential home with a luxury bed and breakfast on the first floor. In the monumental ornamental room you can enjoy an extensive breakfast. You will experience the rich history of the building with the comfort of today.
In 2025 we have the following overnight accommodation options / changes compared to previous years:
- Extended season (already open from January);
- Mainly open during the week (, with the occasional weekend);
- Check-in not possible on all Tuesdays/Thursdays (see agenda);
- Check-in between 4pm and 8pm;
- Breakfast buffet between 8.00 and 10.00 in the monumental ornamental room;
- Check-out until 10.30;
- Discount for multiple nights;
- Please see the calendar for current availability (or check booking.com).

In 2017 we, the De Boer family, became the owner of Huis der Boede . We would like to share the experience of living in a beautiful environment like this with our guests. As a family, we do everything we can to make your stay unforgettable!
Jorn de Boer & Jorien de Boer - Verdijk ( and Annabel, Flore, Louise & Willemijn )
- Children welcome from 12 years
- No pets allowed
- Smoking not allowed
- Koudekerke NL
- Arrival between 16.00 - 20.00
- Departure until 10.30

Contact us

B&B Huis der Boede
Laan der Boede 1
4371 RV Koudekerke
+31 118 234 234